Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Nose Now, That Was a Bad Idea

and so on top of everything else:

Somebody decided it would be a good idea to go down the slide on her belly. I think she 'nose' that's not a good idea anymore. It happened at preschool, but they didn't call us, so obviously it's not too serious (just ugly). I debated about taking her to circus school, but then I thought, if the school didn't call and she wants to clown around, then I guess there is no better place to do it. Ironically, we started shoving some cream up her nose to stop the nose bleeds and wanted to see if it worked today...apparently it doesn't stop the bleeding in the case of face plants -I should have read the fine print a little better.

9:30 pm: I just put Sophia to bed and I had to stick that medicine up her nose. Of course she didn't want to, so I say: you have to, it will stop the nose bleeds. your nose didn't bleed last night did it? her: yeah, but it bled today. me: when? her: when I fell down the slide. muhahaha. i should probably go buy those things boxers stick up their noses when they get punched, that would stop the bleeding in any and all cases.

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