Friday, April 2, 2010

kick in the nut(ella)

april fools (or pesce aprile/fish april) was supposed to be yesterday:
1am: i woke up when max got home
3am: sophia wakes up with a bloody nose
3:15am: viv wakes up b/c she didnt eat at midnight
4:15: every one is cleaned up, fed and back in bed
6 am: max gets up for work/vivienne wakes up hungry (sort of not really)
7 am: start to nod off
8 am: sophia wakes up and day starts
9am: vivenne poops all over leg brace
it's not even lunch i don't want to know what happens next...

CRAP! and then I dropped a full thing of Nutella and it broke and went EVERYWHERE!

yeahhh easter break! i need a break!

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