Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mama says life is like a box of chocolates...

Poor little Viv picked a yucky one (that would be a cream filling one, cuz i like nuts and chews!). We went for an xray of her hip/thigh and found out that her legs are growing a little crooked and she hasn't got enough cartilage growing around joint. Now she has to wear a brace for at least the next six weeks and go around lookin like a little Forrest Gump...

I hope she gets the darn thing off before we have to travel to the States. That thing is a security nightmare!!
ps pooping is a night mare, if the diaper leaks it gets all over the padding-ewwwww!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Lulu - I remember when the doctors told me something similar with Lexie. I was instructed to triple her cloth diapers for a few months. Now it seems there is a special gizmo/contraption to hold the legs apart.
Everything worked out okay. Lexie's legs grew out straight and strong enough for her to do ballet for many years;-)