Friday, April 30, 2010

Final Deadline (again)

We went to Castorama (sounds like something out of the water cooler skit from 80s SNL-but really it's sort of like a HomeDepot in blue and yellow, instead of bright orange) this morning to buy stuff to paint the rooms.  We're going with disinfection white for now.  I hate white walls (reminds me of the M&D's no offense to them, but booooooring!) At least this way if somehow this stupid house deal does not go through, we can always use the paint for the next house.  We dropped off the stuff inside the garage.  Today is the 30th...the final day the guy is supposed to be out by midnight.  What do you think we found. (insert drum roll please)....
 Of course the damn garage door lock is broken and it took forever to open the door, so keep that drum rolling.....

That's right crap is still in there, but at least most of the big stuff is gone! (When we went to look at the house last week, there was a nasty couch in the garage, that wasn't there all the other times before. that, at least, is gone!).  This guy is such an f'n lolly gagger, it's ridunkulous!

This whole thing is taking so friggin long, that this spider decided to start building his the time we get in there he is gonna have spun himself a big ole mansion Candy Spelling style and all!

We have been calling the owner all day long with no answer still as to whether or not the renter is out of the house and when/if we will be getting the keys any time soon. My fingers have been crossed for some good news for so long, I'm losing circulation in them. And this wknds forecast of rain is not helping my feelings of uneasiness on this whole affair!

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