Monday, April 19, 2010


Spelled phonetically, but translates to the ultimate Italian swear word. Use it if you are in trouble, it gets peoples attention. Actually, I've been using it a lot lately, but apparently its not helping:

It's actually worse than we thought: On Thurs the architect went to the house to sign off on the last of the paperwork he needed to get done. He said that there were some boxes packed, but still ALOT of work to be done, so on Fri, Stefania (the secretary) called to confirm that we were still on for our meeting Weds and the owner said that in we were still on and that he was going that night to take out the last of his stuff. As you know I've been doing drive by reconnaissance, so we sort of suspected that the guy was still in the house. The last straw is that Stefania called about fixing an appointment to see the house before we sign the papers and the owner asked her what for? Seriously, this guy is dumber than we thought. He goes on to tell her that the renter is having some problems and probably won't be out until this weekend so we have to change the appointment until Monday so call and tell the notary. Besides, when the renter and owner signed papers for their rogito, it really wasn't until April 30th-which is what he told Mr Zago. (you know he didn't say that to Mr Zago, Zago even popped into the office and confirmed that). These people are friggin crazy even for Italian standards! Max is on the way to get the papers rolling with the lawyer and crack open a case of whoop ass and I will let you know the rest. This is getting so out of hand I don't even know how to write an ironic take on everything.


Holly said...

OMgosh you so need to get that squatter otta there!!!!! wish i could come cuddle that sweet baby while you pack - ha ha, see what a good friend I am in not offering to pack you!!??

Louise said...

Holly, I told ya, you were welcome to go back to the UK via Italy - it's okay if you can't help us pack-that's what you have those 5 little helpers for!!