Saturday, April 24, 2010

Squeezing Every Second Out of the 11th Hour

I am still stalking the house.  This is the last weekend before the end of the month and guess what?  Guess  who's still there. The windows were opened, but it looked more like it was to dry laundry (he does laundry) than to air out the house, while moving boxes. While it is true that there wasn't much stuff in the house, mostly just a bunch of dirty clothes piled up on the floor and a lot of video games (in other words just a couple of hours of packing and 2 car trips worth of boxes) - I won't be holding my breath that the guy will be out of there for this THIRD scheduled rogito (signing of the sales agreement).  And the worst thing of all, Italian law says there is nothing we can do about it, unless we want to give up on this one and look for another house.  The only reason we don't let it go is because I honestly think that with minimum work on the house, we can flip it for nearly double our money.

 Just talked to my friend Jenny-she comes from the land of Ikea (and even works at one now in Oz).  Even she thinks it's weird that houses don't come with kitchens (or even bathrooms), that said from the people who invented instant room furnishings-all you basically have to do is add water.  I only mention this because I had made that comment about flipping the house, just so you know, the house is not being sold as a fixer upper. All the houses around here are sold as an empty shell.  You can make a deal to buy/sell the kitchen (separately) when the house is bought/sold sometimes.  I hope we can do that, because I so do not want to disassemble, pack up, move and reassemble an entire kitchen.  Okay, back to wishful box packing for me.

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