Monday, April 19, 2010

The House Stalker-er

Yes, I am stalking the house...I just wanna know if that guys is out of there or not. I drove by this morning after dropping off Sophia (not a good day to stalk the house, there was a lot of traffic-however I did discover that, despite being about the same distance away from the school, but coming from the opposite direction- we need to get are culos in gear and leave at least 20 minutes before what we are doing now, which is about 5 minutes later than what we should be leaving!) But I digress...the dude's car, the umbrella, swing and plants were in the same positions as yesterday. Now unless that guy arrived early to get some last minute merda outta our casa, we have a grande problemo. (PS I hope you are not learning your Italian from my ramblings, because if you are, no one will capire! Capisci?) Max fixed an appointment with the agency for tomorrow to see the house, hopefully I will have some good news...if not, get ready to learn all the Italian swear words I know!

ps to add insult to injury...I've only packed a few boxes because this whole mess about the house is so disheartening. I shoved them into the corner so that they will be out of the way. So far it's just electronic stuff, some glasses and books-guess who was scouting out new real estate? friggin ants!

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