Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the Yard Turds

Yesterday, we sent the letter saying that we needed either the key to the house and for them to meet with the notary or we would sue, the owner ended up calling Max - surprised that we got a lawyer - and tried to work things out. They agreed that we would keep the appointment (this morning) with the notary and a paper would be drawn up stating that if the rogito was not signed at the appointment, then we would sign at the next available appointment (May 5th, but don't hold your breath, we certainly aren't) and from April 30th (when we have to be out of here) until the date of rogito they will compensate us for a hotel and storage.
This morning we all met, even the owner's wife was there (she is the one who actually owns the house) to talk about/sign this paper and of course we ended up talking about the garden. Apparently it's not all kosher, like we thought. The notary explained in more detail and pulled out papers that before we were not privy to. Basically the garden still does belong to the complex, but technically speaking both apartments may have access to the garden. It's longer and much more complicated than that, but now we know why it's like that and the owner and Mr Zago will hopefully straighten it out-at least to the point where once we are in the house we can legally buy the garden and if/when we decided to sell the house, the problem won't arise again. Che due palle (Italian for pain in the ass - although, despite not being a man, as i understand it, having 2 balls is not necessarily even considered a discomfort, so for me saying '2 balls' never quite gets my meaning across and che dolore in culo translates to you literally have something in your butt that is causing you pain, so that doesn't cut the mustard either. I'll get back to you when I figure something out).
Anyhow before the notary left, he looked over the compensation papers and said we needed to add in the stipulation about the garden situation being fixed and to put a specific monetary amount on the document (this we knew from Antonello). So after all that has happened due to the owners' naivete (stoopidité), the wife says we don't have to put down the monetary amount because she is the type of person that trusts everyone. Uhm, hellooooo, have you not learned your lesson yet? And these people procreated. You know they are super nice, but I stop feeling sorry for them when it effects us.
I also learned that the whole double your down payment back deal only counts if you decide to not buy the house anymore due to the owners having missed the sales date. At that point you may also sue them for compensation as well (sort of), otherwise they could basically keep changing the rogito and there is nothing to stop them and buyers are not allowed compensation. Since we are between a rock and a hard place we need to buy the house (yes, we could also find a new house to rent until we find a new place to buy-and despite all the set backs, we have come this far and done so much and to have to start all over again makes me just want to cry). So really our only compensation (and just for the principle of the whole thing) is to move into that house. I can't even drown my sorrows in chianti or smoke a cig, or I will have to pump and dump and renders it all null and void. Porca puttana (translates to something like the mother f'r, but literally means to pig prostitute, not sure what the insult is. BTW and this is only barely related, but you know pasta puttanesca? does that mean prostitute pasta?
I'm gonna have to find out about that, because somehow it all seems less appetizing, when looking at this picture. Well, at least it got my mind off the house for a second and I'm only half as peeved as when I started writing this entry. Cross your fingers that this crap about the garden clears up.

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