Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Early Morning Drink

...what time is it considered too early to start drinking? I think I need one today...Sophia woke up at 4 am with a bloody nose (and then climbed into our bed and continued to take off the covers and play with my hair), her crying made my milk come in (so I needed to pump), her nose started bleeding again this morning (so she is staying home and now we need to get an appt at pediatrician), the car needs to be moved (it's street cleaning day), the pony express guy is supposed to come (between now and-10am), we have no food because im trying to clean out the fridge (cuz i thought we would start moving tomorrow), i was supposed to exchange my pants at the 1 a week market (and i was already depressed because i got 4 sizes larger than before i was pregggo and they were still wayyy too small), there are still ants climbing around the boxes i've packed and on top of everything I don't see a new episode of Big Bang Theory on torrents! Miiiiiiiiiiiiiinkiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Off to dig open the box with the tissues, wah!

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