Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dork in a Box

Her nose looks worse today, but apparently it doesn't hurt.  Apparently clumsiness is going around-now that there is nice weather and the kids can finally play outside, they've all gone wild releasing their pent up restlessness.  There was a kid at the park with a broken arm and another with a broken leg, which neither of them had 2 days ago.  
Speaking of going to the park.  Somebody tell me, because I never had kids back in the States (or any other country but here), does every park have moms that speak of how heroically they gave birth?  I knew I should have just stayed seated with my earphones on and bettering my score on Rock Band, but against my better judgement I got up and went to go say hello to 2 moms I know from the preschool.  They were sitting near some other moms who I don't know, and those two just went on and on about their experience bearing children.  OMG, I just wanted to rip off the Baby Bjorn and hang myself with it, just to put me out of my misery.  I swear, every time I am at the park I have to hear about people child bearing details.  I'm still trying to figure out how to worm my way out of the next time, but I am always cornered or stuck in a position where I can't get out of listening.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Wow you were busy posting while I was on the bus from Spain!!!

I love it - and the nubbin! Blame it on Max's genes!! Glad you told the ding dong about the lawyer - sounds likeyou got him moving - the garden thing I haven't wrapped my mind around yet - my brain is still on the bus!! xoxo