Friday, April 30, 2010

Final Deadline (again)

We went to Castorama (sounds like something out of the water cooler skit from 80s SNL-but really it's sort of like a HomeDepot in blue and yellow, instead of bright orange) this morning to buy stuff to paint the rooms.  We're going with disinfection white for now.  I hate white walls (reminds me of the M&D's no offense to them, but booooooring!) At least this way if somehow this stupid house deal does not go through, we can always use the paint for the next house.  We dropped off the stuff inside the garage.  Today is the 30th...the final day the guy is supposed to be out by midnight.  What do you think we found. (insert drum roll please)....
 Of course the damn garage door lock is broken and it took forever to open the door, so keep that drum rolling.....

That's right crap is still in there, but at least most of the big stuff is gone! (When we went to look at the house last week, there was a nasty couch in the garage, that wasn't there all the other times before. that, at least, is gone!).  This guy is such an f'n lolly gagger, it's ridunkulous!

This whole thing is taking so friggin long, that this spider decided to start building his the time we get in there he is gonna have spun himself a big ole mansion Candy Spelling style and all!

We have been calling the owner all day long with no answer still as to whether or not the renter is out of the house and when/if we will be getting the keys any time soon. My fingers have been crossed for some good news for so long, I'm losing circulation in them. And this wknds forecast of rain is not helping my feelings of uneasiness on this whole affair!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Oooooh weee Whaddup Wid Dat, Whaddup Wid Dat!!!

Behold, we have key!

It's only for the garage, but at least it's a step closer, not that I'm moving anything in there, the house was horribly disgusting.  The renter (intead of packing boxes) was following us around like we were going to steal something. And he was super stinky too. I kept running out of the house for air! 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tieni le Dite Incrociate!

Keep your fingers crossed!  The owner just called to see if we want him to leave anything in the house (like the kitchen, closets or bathrooms).  As disgusting as it is in the house, we will have to use the kitchen because there won't be enough time to buy a new one, have it delivered and set it up.  If you read in the papers that there is a toxic cloud over Milan, that's just me disinfecting the hell out of the kitchen/house.  Anyways this is a good sign, that means that the guy is actually getting his stuff out of there.  I am not expecting him to have moved or packed up much.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Otzi Otzi Oxen Free

I think I've found a second Otzi the Iceman of Bolzano!  Our freezer always has the thickest nastiest layers of ice hanging off its walls.  I always find weird little things we I don't remember even having eaten when I defrost.  In anticipation of moving (and just being plain lazy) I haven't defrosted in a long time, chances that I actually find a second Iceman are pretty good. I'm trying to clean out the fridge and freezer before the end of the month.  If we do finally move, there is a good chance that we will have to stay in a hotel for a week and so everything needs to be out.  I am down to a bag of peas, spinach, some frozen chicken broth, ginger and various forms of ice.  Hmmm what can I make with all this stuff?  (These are the easy things to get rid of, I don't know how I'm going to use up all the condiments in the fridge!)

Squeezing Every Second Out of the 11th Hour

I am still stalking the house.  This is the last weekend before the end of the month and guess what?  Guess  who's still there. The windows were opened, but it looked more like it was to dry laundry (he does laundry) than to air out the house, while moving boxes. While it is true that there wasn't much stuff in the house, mostly just a bunch of dirty clothes piled up on the floor and a lot of video games (in other words just a couple of hours of packing and 2 car trips worth of boxes) - I won't be holding my breath that the guy will be out of there for this THIRD scheduled rogito (signing of the sales agreement).  And the worst thing of all, Italian law says there is nothing we can do about it, unless we want to give up on this one and look for another house.  The only reason we don't let it go is because I honestly think that with minimum work on the house, we can flip it for nearly double our money.

 Just talked to my friend Jenny-she comes from the land of Ikea (and even works at one now in Oz).  Even she thinks it's weird that houses don't come with kitchens (or even bathrooms), that said from the people who invented instant room furnishings-all you basically have to do is add water.  I only mention this because I had made that comment about flipping the house, just so you know, the house is not being sold as a fixer upper. All the houses around here are sold as an empty shell.  You can make a deal to buy/sell the kitchen (separately) when the house is bought/sold sometimes.  I hope we can do that, because I so do not want to disassemble, pack up, move and reassemble an entire kitchen.  Okay, back to wishful box packing for me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dork in a Box

Her nose looks worse today, but apparently it doesn't hurt.  Apparently clumsiness is going around-now that there is nice weather and the kids can finally play outside, they've all gone wild releasing their pent up restlessness.  There was a kid at the park with a broken arm and another with a broken leg, which neither of them had 2 days ago.  
Speaking of going to the park.  Somebody tell me, because I never had kids back in the States (or any other country but here), does every park have moms that speak of how heroically they gave birth?  I knew I should have just stayed seated with my earphones on and bettering my score on Rock Band, but against my better judgement I got up and went to go say hello to 2 moms I know from the preschool.  They were sitting near some other moms who I don't know, and those two just went on and on about their experience bearing children.  OMG, I just wanted to rip off the Baby Bjorn and hang myself with it, just to put me out of my misery.  I swear, every time I am at the park I have to hear about people child bearing details.  I'm still trying to figure out how to worm my way out of the next time, but I am always cornered or stuck in a position where I can't get out of listening.

There's Nubbin To It

What do Carry Underwood, Marky Mark, Chandler Bing and Vivienne all have in common?    Yup, it's a nubbin.  I didn't realize they were so common, but apparently they are.  Our pediatrician told us at her last visit about Viv's.. Luckily hers is just a small discoloration (it's that little mark between her normal nipple and her belly button) and not a full on third boob.

This entry will probably come back to haunt her and yes I know I will be the one she 'thanks' for that.


Not sure what the occasion is, but i just found these patriotic m&ms at the grocery store.  I will be using them to cure my depression caused by the two peanut heads that are screwing up the deal for the new house.


Big sister pushing little sister.
Typical houses of the region.
The mayors house from back in the oldy times. Now it's a private residence.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Nose Now, That Was a Bad Idea

and so on top of everything else:

Somebody decided it would be a good idea to go down the slide on her belly. I think she 'nose' that's not a good idea anymore. It happened at preschool, but they didn't call us, so obviously it's not too serious (just ugly). I debated about taking her to circus school, but then I thought, if the school didn't call and she wants to clown around, then I guess there is no better place to do it. Ironically, we started shoving some cream up her nose to stop the nose bleeds and wanted to see if it worked today...apparently it doesn't stop the bleeding in the case of face plants -I should have read the fine print a little better.

9:30 pm: I just put Sophia to bed and I had to stick that medicine up her nose. Of course she didn't want to, so I say: you have to, it will stop the nose bleeds. your nose didn't bleed last night did it? her: yeah, but it bled today. me: when? her: when I fell down the slide. muhahaha. i should probably go buy those things boxers stick up their noses when they get punched, that would stop the bleeding in any and all cases.

the Yard Turds

Yesterday, we sent the letter saying that we needed either the key to the house and for them to meet with the notary or we would sue, the owner ended up calling Max - surprised that we got a lawyer - and tried to work things out. They agreed that we would keep the appointment (this morning) with the notary and a paper would be drawn up stating that if the rogito was not signed at the appointment, then we would sign at the next available appointment (May 5th, but don't hold your breath, we certainly aren't) and from April 30th (when we have to be out of here) until the date of rogito they will compensate us for a hotel and storage.
This morning we all met, even the owner's wife was there (she is the one who actually owns the house) to talk about/sign this paper and of course we ended up talking about the garden. Apparently it's not all kosher, like we thought. The notary explained in more detail and pulled out papers that before we were not privy to. Basically the garden still does belong to the complex, but technically speaking both apartments may have access to the garden. It's longer and much more complicated than that, but now we know why it's like that and the owner and Mr Zago will hopefully straighten it out-at least to the point where once we are in the house we can legally buy the garden and if/when we decided to sell the house, the problem won't arise again. Che due palle (Italian for pain in the ass - although, despite not being a man, as i understand it, having 2 balls is not necessarily even considered a discomfort, so for me saying '2 balls' never quite gets my meaning across and che dolore in culo translates to you literally have something in your butt that is causing you pain, so that doesn't cut the mustard either. I'll get back to you when I figure something out).
Anyhow before the notary left, he looked over the compensation papers and said we needed to add in the stipulation about the garden situation being fixed and to put a specific monetary amount on the document (this we knew from Antonello). So after all that has happened due to the owners' naivete (stoopidité), the wife says we don't have to put down the monetary amount because she is the type of person that trusts everyone. Uhm, hellooooo, have you not learned your lesson yet? And these people procreated. You know they are super nice, but I stop feeling sorry for them when it effects us.
I also learned that the whole double your down payment back deal only counts if you decide to not buy the house anymore due to the owners having missed the sales date. At that point you may also sue them for compensation as well (sort of), otherwise they could basically keep changing the rogito and there is nothing to stop them and buyers are not allowed compensation. Since we are between a rock and a hard place we need to buy the house (yes, we could also find a new house to rent until we find a new place to buy-and despite all the set backs, we have come this far and done so much and to have to start all over again makes me just want to cry). So really our only compensation (and just for the principle of the whole thing) is to move into that house. I can't even drown my sorrows in chianti or smoke a cig, or I will have to pump and dump and renders it all null and void. Porca puttana (translates to something like the mother f'r, but literally means to pig prostitute, not sure what the insult is. BTW and this is only barely related, but you know pasta puttanesca? does that mean prostitute pasta?
I'm gonna have to find out about that, because somehow it all seems less appetizing, when looking at this picture. Well, at least it got my mind off the house for a second and I'm only half as peeved as when I started writing this entry. Cross your fingers that this crap about the garden clears up.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Early Morning Drink

...what time is it considered too early to start drinking? I think I need one today...Sophia woke up at 4 am with a bloody nose (and then climbed into our bed and continued to take off the covers and play with my hair), her crying made my milk come in (so I needed to pump), her nose started bleeding again this morning (so she is staying home and now we need to get an appt at pediatrician), the car needs to be moved (it's street cleaning day), the pony express guy is supposed to come (between now and-10am), we have no food because im trying to clean out the fridge (cuz i thought we would start moving tomorrow), i was supposed to exchange my pants at the 1 a week market (and i was already depressed because i got 4 sizes larger than before i was pregggo and they were still wayyy too small), there are still ants climbing around the boxes i've packed and on top of everything I don't see a new episode of Big Bang Theory on torrents! Miiiiiiiiiiiiiinkiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Off to dig open the box with the tissues, wah!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Spelled phonetically, but translates to the ultimate Italian swear word. Use it if you are in trouble, it gets peoples attention. Actually, I've been using it a lot lately, but apparently its not helping:

It's actually worse than we thought: On Thurs the architect went to the house to sign off on the last of the paperwork he needed to get done. He said that there were some boxes packed, but still ALOT of work to be done, so on Fri, Stefania (the secretary) called to confirm that we were still on for our meeting Weds and the owner said that in we were still on and that he was going that night to take out the last of his stuff. As you know I've been doing drive by reconnaissance, so we sort of suspected that the guy was still in the house. The last straw is that Stefania called about fixing an appointment to see the house before we sign the papers and the owner asked her what for? Seriously, this guy is dumber than we thought. He goes on to tell her that the renter is having some problems and probably won't be out until this weekend so we have to change the appointment until Monday so call and tell the notary. Besides, when the renter and owner signed papers for their rogito, it really wasn't until April 30th-which is what he told Mr Zago. (you know he didn't say that to Mr Zago, Zago even popped into the office and confirmed that). These people are friggin crazy even for Italian standards! Max is on the way to get the papers rolling with the lawyer and crack open a case of whoop ass and I will let you know the rest. This is getting so out of hand I don't even know how to write an ironic take on everything.

The House Stalker-er

Yes, I am stalking the house...I just wanna know if that guys is out of there or not. I drove by this morning after dropping off Sophia (not a good day to stalk the house, there was a lot of traffic-however I did discover that, despite being about the same distance away from the school, but coming from the opposite direction- we need to get are culos in gear and leave at least 20 minutes before what we are doing now, which is about 5 minutes later than what we should be leaving!) But I digress...the dude's car, the umbrella, swing and plants were in the same positions as yesterday. Now unless that guy arrived early to get some last minute merda outta our casa, we have a grande problemo. (PS I hope you are not learning your Italian from my ramblings, because if you are, no one will capire! Capisci?) Max fixed an appointment with the agency for tomorrow to see the house, hopefully I will have some good news...if not, get ready to learn all the Italian swear words I know!

ps to add insult to injury...I've only packed a few boxes because this whole mess about the house is so disheartening. I shoved them into the corner so that they will be out of the way. So far it's just electronic stuff, some glasses and books-guess who was scouting out new real estate? friggin ants!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

In or Out Booger

Not from anyone's nose...I'm referring to the snot wad that's been in our house. We just drove past, the guy's car is still there and all the window's are opened, let's hope that means he is finishing up the boxes. Really, the owner told us that the guy was supposed to be out already and he (the owner) would be there this weekend to take out the last of the things they left (like a piano). hmmmmm.....

Ma Ma Ma My Chichiarona

What is it about a box that kids just love? Yesterday as I was packing up, a little thief came and stole 2 of my boxes. She's been playing in them ever since. She got out the crayons and started drawing on them- a continuation of Chichiarona (last summer she drew on a boxes and at Auntie Michelle's and invented her friend Chichiarona). I've been told that she is now older and has longer hair. Well at least it got her off of nagging for TV every 2 minutes!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dressed for Success

Sophia told us she was going to be a big girl and get dressed and ready for school all by herself...
She did and minus the heels and plus a sweater, this is just how she went.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Okay, here is the story with the garden. The first part was right, the garden is 'owned' by the condominio with rights of 'exclusive use' to the original apartment that consisted of the first floor, the second floor and it's attic. When the original owner seperated the apt into 2 units, he did state in the sales contract that the garden 'belonged' only to the apt on the second floor. There is a second 'private' document that states that both apts can use the yard. I have no idea how to explain the rest of this to you, so let's just say we met with the real estate agent and talked with our friend who is a notary (which is really like some sort of property lawyer) (thanks fede!) and she tells us that because that because the 'private' document is not part of the sellers/buyers contract and that none of the parties that own (or in our case will own) the house signed the contract, the 'private' document cannot apply to the next owners. yeah i know, crazy strange.
So this is kind of funny: remember how the renter was supposed to be out by the 6th? and you know how horribly messy the house was? Well Stefania (one of the REA assistants) called to see if she could come over to get some document signed, the renter says: 'sure, but don't be alarmed by the crazy mess of all the boxes that are lying around.' What a time to start to excuse himself, did he not notice the mess before, it was so bad CPS should have been called! well at least that means he's started packing, but really the owner promised he would be out by the 6th and the place would be cleaned up and the walls white washed. Yeah that is so not going to happen, Max told him just to get the guy out of there and not make us wait even longer just to get that stuff done!
So here is, what I am hoping is the icing on the problem cake...when we met with the REA, after we tried to figure out about the yard problem, that the owner just happened to forget to mention, they told us about another obstacle before signing the final sale papers: the owners bought the house in July of 2005 with the 'first house' loan. That loan has a stipulation that the house cannot be sold before 5 years and otherwise the penalty is the lowered taxes that are saved, must be payed back. The owners knew that there was this stipulation and had they forgotten, when papers are drawn up to sell the house, it's restated on their contract. Today, through the REA, they asked if we could do them a favor, would we delay the rogito (final sale/handing over of the keys) until July so they wouldn't be fined an $8,500 penalty. They would hand over the keys and let us live there, but without having 'officially' sold the house, er, I think NOT! They seem to forget a lot of things until the last minute, should I tell them that that empty container 2 feet above their culos is where their brains should be?? Seriously?? Come on people!! This could have all been avoidable too. They could have a) printed in the ad, house not avail until july 2010 b) told us when we signed the compromesso and fixed the rogito c) told us when we asked what day they wanted to do the rogito or even d) mentioned it any time in the last 7 months (not 6 days before the rogito/14 days after the original rogito)! And then they were so embarrassed to ask us personally after all the the merda that they put us through, they had to ask somebody else ask for them. My thought is this, hells no! I don't trust them farther than i can spit, and i a totally dehydrated right now! We are now between a rock and a hard place b/c in 15 days we need to be out of this place and we don't have enough time to find another, so we are holding them to next week's rogito date, and now it's just gonna be an awkward atmosphere for everyone!


When these girls are asleep, nothing will wake them up. This trait they get from their dad!

Under the Milanese Sun

That so does not have the same ring to it as Under the Tuscan Sun. And there is a reason why: If you really want to learn about a country and it's culture, don't read a book, buy a house there.
I have no idea why I didn't blog about this wayyy sooner...Okay, so way back before last summer Max and I saw an ad for a house that we thought we might be interested- it was a small building, it was a 2br, had a large cantina (basement space) and had a little strip of garden and a little room that you could use as an extra room. But, it only had one bathroom, the garden and extra room were a bit away from the house, the parking space was awkward and most of all the price was more than we could afford.. The guy from the agency, Mr Polli was one of the only real estate agents that isn't smarmy like all the other ones we'd met. He realized we couldn't afford much and wanted something other than a 4 walled box. He suggested us a couple of places including one on Dei Mille (Literally: Of 1000, refers to an army led by Garibaldi). It wasn't advertised very well because as Polli prefaced it: it's very particular and you must see it in person and look at it with an opened mind...which meant the house IS actually sort of particular and you must look at the potential because the house was a mess (i mean like where i was waiting for some sort of cable show like Hoarders to come in and clean up the nasty mess and every one would be thankful and teary eyed after) and the owners were asking for a bit much (but when you are buying, it always seems like that, doesn't it?).
This is what will eventually be the upstairs study, all the house is like that messy. Just before we went back home in May of last year, we went back for another looksie, because it was one of the few houses with 2 ba and a little yard (and when I say little I mean, microscopico, we are going to have to plant everything in bonsai, including the grass!). In Italy, having yard space or even a balcony is not a given, especially if you live in (or near) a big city and having a 2 or 3 br with just one ba is pretty common. I am an American from California, for me-those things are a minimum, so we went back to give it another chance. There are about a mille (1,000, remember from above?) things wrong with the house, but that is at least a mille things less than any other house we have seen and most of all the house has loads of potential. I think just cleaning the place up and smacking on some paint, could double the price. So, we put in a bid, like 50K under the asking price. This is the first of the many weird things I have yet to write about the process of buying a house: you have to write a check and leave it with the real estate agent for the amount you are willing to pay, but the seller doesn't cash the check, he just says whether or not he accepts it or not. (btw the re agent is just a go between he/she does don't work in the same way American ones do-like the agent/broker thing). Then we left for the summer and the seller decided not to accept our bid.

After the summer, we thought it over a bit, we looked for more houses on line and then thought about offering a little more/seeing how much the guy was willing to lower his price. By chance I had found an ad for the house online and knew that it had been on the market for at least a year and that they guy living in the house was the renter, not the owner-so perhaps the owner wanted to oust his slobby culo (the only way to get rid of a tennant is to sell the house) and might be willing to barter down a bit more. The international problem with buying a house is that when you put work into it, you become personally attached and often see the house for much more than what it's worth and since Polli doesn't act as our agent (nor their broker) we had to find a way to convince them. Polli set up a meeting with them. By now I was around 5 months pregnant and if you don't know, Italians go gaga for preggos and newborns. So we met with the couple and they were really nice, they asked a lot about the pregnancy and our other kid and we totally connected on the fact that would have 2 girls/they have 2 girls, both sets of kids were being raised bilingual (theirs are french/italian), I make jewelry/the wife sells beads and jewelry stuff. We upped our offer slightly, they lowered their counter and eventually we came to an agreement. I think the fact that they would be selling their beloved house to someone they connected with instead of an unknown, helped them come way down on their asking price (and vice versa for us). We also learned that the house is rented to the an acquaintance who has 4 kids. The only girl of the foursome went to school with one of their girls and that's how they know each other. The guy is divorced and I think the kids live with him-but I'm not sure, because they didn't have a lot of toys, they only had a lot of video games and the house was NASTY messy! My parents cashed some of their IRAs and wired us some soldi (thanks M&D!), unfortunately that week was the nastiest and lowest day for the euro v dollar and we lost a bunch in conversion. Ah, but that's the way the dice rolls. We wrote a check for the down payment and got the paper work rolling to sign to buy the house, then we went to get a loan for the house (yeah i know huh, backwards), and gave our 6 months advanced notice that we were moving out of our flat we rent (it's a standard contract requirement-yeah, a half year notice-crazy huh??). This was back in September, which set the actual buying of the house/handing over the keys (the rogito) on March 30. Sort of a bummer cuz I was hoping to be all moved in when Viv was born, but then I realized it would be easier to move without a big ol' belly and olus, when my mom came in Feb, it would be easier for her to take Sophia to school from our current place.
Soon, a sweet couple came to look at our flat, they really liked it and decided to move in. They even inquired about renting a garage downstairs, that has been on the market for years. (Btw if you buy/rent a house, the garage is sold/rented seperately-again, i know, crazy, huh?).
In the meantime...we only got approved for 80% of the loan. Yeah, I know f'n weird again. Don't ask me why they don't approve you for a certain amount and you have to find a house that costs that or less. And all this was because we didn't qualify for a 'first house loan,' because wayyyyy back in the day Max's parents bought him and his brother a house as an investment in Cuneo. The Nonna doesn't want to sell the house as long as she is alive (I know, it ain't an investment, if you don't sell it to make money). In the end Max's bro Ale did us a solid, he bought out Max's half of the house, keeping it in the family and letting us out of that contract-and I found out that a 'first house loan' really just means 'only owning one house loan' and we now qualified for much lower mortgage rates and 100% of the loan. Yeah, I know crazy merda huh?
In our heads we are redesigning the house, the bathrooms need to be redone, especially the upstairs one. When they built the stairs, they miscalculated and the top step is only half a step and you walk into the wall of the studio. There are a thousand things that need to be done. We make an appointment to go back to the house to take measurements so we can see about buying new things for the house, because as you may or may not know-when a house is sold it is sold empty-that means the previous owners take the kitchen and closets (there aren't built ins here, everyone uses armadios, which are like armoires, just not so fancy) with them. You could even end up buying a house without showers, toilets and bidets, just the holes. I know, totally weird, huh? All the kids are home and staring at us like 'what the heck are we doing?' and the dad is in the middle of cooking dinner, so we don't take good measurements because we feel rushed. It's basically my fault too because it was all very confusing. There are columns that hold up the house, they can't be torn down or the house will fall and they are EVERYWHERE. Despite them being built into the walls they are thicker than the walls and so they jut out and those have to be written into the calculations and because of a miscommunication between Max and I am frantically scribbling on a teeny tiny badly foto-copied floor plan of the house and we really get nothing accomplished.
In February, we got a call to go to the real estate office, thinking it was to sign for some more paper work (it's now about a month before the agreed rogito). Being February, I am mega preggo! I waddle into the office and we sit down in the waiting area for the owners to arrive. Just the husband comes in and he immediately starts babbling off at a kilometer a minuto about how the renter doesn't want to move out. WFT? Yeah I know, this is the craziest of the crazy stuff! Since the renter and owners are acquaintances, the owner only told the renter that he sold the house, but they didn't sign an official document for the rogito. I swear I almost had my baby on the floor. By now Mr Zago (of the real estate offices of Dimensioni Zago) came out because Mr Polli was out of the office for personal reasons. I sucked the baby back into my uterus and we went into the office and chatted. Bascially Mr Zago (zigozago means to zigzag- there has got to be some pun in here with this guys name, but i'm so peeved just writing this I can't think of one) said that even if the renter/owner signed an agreement about the rogito, it doesn't legally amount to diddly squat because the Italian laws side with renters and the renter could basically stay in there as long as he wanted. WTF, once again! The owner kept babbling about the conversation between him and the renter, it was like watching someone struggling against quicksand. The more he said, it was just making the situation worse. Since we all signed the compromesso (the agreement the house would be sold to us/we would buy the house) and the owner cashed the down payment check, if we don't do the rogito on the agreed date, the owners would have to pay us back double the down payment. To avoid this, Mr Zago suggested that perhaps the owner could offer to pay for a few months rent to get the renter out, which would be a lot better than him having to give us back double our check. In the end, we left there disillusioned of hopes of being one step closer to owning our new house and with an agreement that ci sentiamo (literally -we'll hear each other, trans to we'll get in contact) in the next few days. We are totally freaking out because, the baby is due any day now, we need to be out of the house at the end of March because we gave notice and someone else is moving in and we don't know if we will have a house by that time and don't even have enough time to look for a new place! Plus if we do rent somewhere, we will have to enter into another at least 1 year contract and another 6 months of disdetto (notice of vacancy). Then, we were in limbo forever and we didn't sentiamo anything for 2 weeks. Eventually had to call to find out WTF was up! WTF???
Vivienne is born, we leave the hospital and a few days later we have another meeting. The long of the short of it is that the owner talked to the renter again and the renter said that he wanted 10,000 euro to move out, the owner talked him down to 7,000. Yes, I know it's blackmailing, the owner even asked if that's what the renter was doing and technically it's not legal, but for the owner to get the guy out of the house so that we won't make him him pay us double our down payment, it's worth it. Despite having recorded the whole thing, he owner probably won't hire a lawyer to get his money back because that would cost more than the blackmail money. Ahhhh, Italy! Totally crazy, huh? Once the paper is signed and the check is cashed, ci sentiremmo (we'll get in touch-but in the near future) again, but for now the rogito is set for Feb 20.
In the meantime, another couple comes to look at the flat we rent because the first couple has changed their minds. This means they will have to give a disdettoto on their apt and we have a month's grace period to straighten this out or look for a new place!
And of course once again ci sentiamo, un cavolo (which translates to we'll hear each other, a cabbage but means to we haven't heard jack crap). We still don't know if we will own the house or have to look for a place to stay. We call and call. The owner is often away in France for business, which is partly why we don't hear from him when we are supposed to. Yeah , I know not really an excuse, because for us, that's like saying he is in Oregon for business, still in the same time zone buddy! Anyhoo, we don't hear from him until...the yard problem. The latest and great and what was the catalyst to start blogging about this house, is that the house will belong to us, but not the yard. I KNOW, WTF, right??? Okay this is the story of our house, it is an approx 100 old farm house called a cascina. Don't think American farmhouse, because the style is nothing like that. It is a structure that has a bird's eye view of an L and was once made up of apts, place to store animals/hay/tractor etc. Those compartments were eventually converted into about 10 apts on two levels (apartments and houses are synonymous in Italy. All rented apts/houses are privately owned.). Okay, follow along because this is where it gets really confusing. The guy that originally owned our place, had 1 apt that was the end unit. It was on the first and second level (plus the attic space) and decided to split it into 2 apts: 1 would be the downstairs part and the second would be the upstairs part, plus the attic space. The apt/house we are buying is the upstairs unit.
Because having a totally separate entrance is an amenity here, the guy tacked a garage onto the side of the house, made a terrace out of the top of the garage, added a stairway to get up there, cut a door into the side of the house so you can enter from the terrace and closed off the little bit of house between the garage and the fence so it became a yard, all raising the value of the upper unit. Are you following me? So, the yard belonged to the original apartment, but when the owner split it in two, he didn't specify that the garden belongs to just the top house when he sold off the two houses. So legally the house bottom apt can use the yard if they want. WTF?
Wait a minute I'm not done yet, I said the yard belongs to the house, is not owned by the house (or it's owner) it is owned by the condomionio (in other words the whole apt building/cascina). Totally confusing, I know, huh? This all came out because the external staircase was not documented that it 'belonged' to the house. The owner had to get this registered with the notary (who is the original notary that helped sell the house from the 1st owner to the guy we are buying the house from).
The notary said to the current owner, hey by the way don't forget that the yard 'belongs' to both the houses. So basically, the owners knew, but they just forgot and therefore didn't mention it. So not only are they idiots, but so is the notary because he should have realized the potential problem and specified the ownership of the yard. I swear this guy must have got his license in a Kinder Uovo. It's more confusing than that, and here is where even I am more confused-on the documents of sale that we, the owner and re agency signed it is written/assumed that the yard belongs to the condominio but exclusive usage belongs to the house, but apparently there may or may not be documents that exist that say otherwise. More to come about this later...
Today we have a meeting with the re agency to find out more or hopefully see these private documents and what the next step we have to take is. The light at the end of this tunnel is that hopefully we can buy the yard from the condominio so that if and when we eventually sell the house, we wont relive this nightmare as now owners of the house (but not owners of the yard). As the profound comic strip Cathy says: AAAACK!!! Now how do I translate that into Italian?

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Best Bed

A little nap on Mommy

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

I couldn't find anything to use as Easter baskets or find to turn into a basket, so I surfed online and found a cute basket to make out of felt. I didn't have time to make them back home, so I threw everything into a box and planned on making them in Cuneo. However, Sophia was so excited about being at her Nonni's she didn't end up going to sleep until after 11 and so I ended up staying up to 3am making something that was just supposed to take an hour. (partially it was due to the fact that i was tired and kept making stupid mistakes and partially because it was so late i had to hand sew everything).
Sophia woke up early and was a good girl and played with her toys all morning (and that's Nonna in the background cooking up a storm already).
I finally got my butt up out of bed and we broke into the Easter baskets.
Sophia doesn't really like candy/chocolates (that's cuz there's no Peeps here!! Everybody loves Peeps, especially slightly stale ones! Even Viv is sticking out her tongue cuz there are no Peeps in her basket!). Instead, the Easter Bunny brought Sophia a dress, a necklace/bracelet set, nail polish, hair clippies and some glitter glue pens. And for Vivienne he brought a cute little Easter dress. Yeah, I know, the Easter Bunny is not very traditional, but either are my kids.

After we opened baskets, Vivienne had to be fed and Sophia of course wanted to put on the nail polish, so Daddy did it.
The girls in their Easter finest.

The Nonni and their nipotine.

Another rainy Easter

It was a rainy Easter, so we had our traditional indoor egg hunt. I didn't have time to look for the plastic eggs, so we just hid the same six over and over again.

(Oh look there is a rotten egg under the table. Oops, no that's just Berlusconi!)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dye-ing to Color Eggs

It isn't Easter without coloring eggs.

There were some hollowed out eggs that we were dying, one dropped. Apparently it makes an eggscellent teleggscope.

Friday, April 2, 2010


At school they gave the kids seeds with a little poem attached. we planted them today and hopefully something will sprout before the end of vacation.
putting the seeds in
sophia is proud of her hard work
and watering...
now comes the hard part: waiting.