Sunday, October 5, 2008


remember my friend mustela? who disappeared off the face of the earth?? well she just reappeared. i called her for her bday and by chance we had an opportunity to get together. sophia and i took the metro to the city center to meet her. we hung out for a couple of hours and caught up on old times. it was fun.

oh i forgot. i told sophia we were going to zia mustela's. zia is aunt in italian. she got soooo excited and went on and on about her best friend and how she couldnt wait to see her, but...lives in germany. she was totally bummed when i said i said ZIA not TIA. i dont think a day goes by that she doesnt talk about the andersons. we're gonna have to make another trip out there before they go back to cali! wait maybe i shouldnt have written they've been warned. i hope they dont pack up and leave early just to avoid us!

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