Saturday, October 25, 2008

Planes, Trains and Cranes

Road Trip! This time the Parisis take Paris. Schedule of Fun:
12:30 am (friday night) finish packing, stress out for keeping it under 10 k, last minute jones for and finally go to bed
3:30 am wake up
4:20 am make sure everything is locked up and tight because of scaffolding surrounding house
4:30 am get into CAR and leave
5:00 am look for one very hidden airport parking lot Park and Fly (Max researched, got 'internet discount' had to be that specific parking lot)
5:40 am arrive in front of ryan air
5:45 wait for airplane, cant believe sophia is still awake
5:50 'line-up' for boarding...cowherding style.
6:10 everyone bunches up tries to get in front/pass each other/us. apparently no one in italy has heard of SINGLE FILE!
ps ryanair has mega cheap flights and... you get what you pay for. you must have bags that weigh less than 10k and smaller than 50 x 40 x 20 cm. anything over you will have to check-in/pay for. thats 50 for the first 11 kilos. we had 3 people and 3 of these bags and a stroller...standing in line was stressful, but apparently foreshadowing our future).

6:15 finally aboard hooray! (so this would be PLANE)
6:30 take off (sophia finally sleeps some)
8:00 am land
8:10 am deboard, search for bathroom...stand in line
8:11 am search for bus ticket area, stand in line (at least we played it smart, we went outside where the line was shorter)

8:34 am BUS leaves
9:34 am bus arrives in Paris at Porte Maillot, search for METRO.
9:40 am find Metro, stand in line for tickets. 3 day pass is $25 euro or $1.60 per ride, kids under 3 free. Not knowing our future, we went for the pass...who knows could come in handy.
10:00 am Jump off the 1 and onto the 8, jump off,
10:20 am search for hotel (even brought the GPS), luckily it was close.
10:30 am find hotel, check in is not til 2. (the room isnt cleaned, but they told us to put our luggage inside anyways....ewww it was stinky and yuck and i had to pee! luckily had the antibacterial hand foam unholstered and ready to go!). (BTW they are reconstructing the outside of the!)
10:50 seach for some where to eat...apparently hardly anywhere will let you sit and eat something
11:10 am make big giant circle our our hotel and eventually find somewhere to eat. have omelet with cheese and ham...mmm, think it must have had a ton of butter, yum!
12:30 head back to hotel to see if hotel room is ready, hooray it is!!! but no towels or tp. dang. we try to sleep. sleeping arrangements are 1 double bed, one single...of course sophia ends up sleeping in the double and then so do i, so lucky max got the single all to himself. too bad he didnt fit. but of course that didnt seem to matter, he slept soundly. i dont think i slept more than 10 minutes, as soon as i put my head down, there was hammering, some french girls running up and down the stairs and shouting at each other, and the radiator turned WAY to high. Naturally I opened the window and the hammering gets louder and paint fumes get stronger and now i can hear the babies on the street crying, the motorcycle repair shop across the street trying out engines. fword fword fword fword! close window, turn down radiator, reconcile with the fact that im not gonna sleep.
4:20 ish they're here!!! CRANES
5:00 ish off to explore the area, find park, kids play.

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