Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Women are from Venus, men are from Magrathea ...

The handymen that came to take down the venetian blinds were like a tornado. I knew they were coming, but I didnt know when. They came in, carried everything away in a short amount of time and then left bits and pieces and destruction in their aftermath. It is sooo typically male. Part of getting the job done is CLEANING UP AFTER YOURSELF! Is it the XY chromosome combo?
See the dirt? The guys doing construction on the house made us empty the balconey off of Sophia's room yesterday. What a pain that was. All the plants that were on the big balconey, that were put on the little balconey had to be moved back to the big balconey again. Some plants were put on the scaffolding, but i didnt want all of them to go there, because all of those are all dying from lack of water. ( max told the construction guys that we would move them back and forth, from balconey to balconey as needed. When the handymen came this morning, I told them I would move the plants if they were in the way...uh yeah right. nobody said anything and plants were spilled every which way. by the time they were done, screws and strings and and dirt and metal things (basically anything that wasnt the blinds itself) were strewn everywhere. of course all the rooms have the blinds and the balconey was the first to be done, so there was dirt tracked throughout the house. I'm still finding screws everywhere. Altho i cant blame all the loose screws on these handymen, the guy who came to take down the mosquito screens did the same thing too, (including an old wasp's nest and wasp corpses crumbling on the floor, yuck).

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