Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stuck on You!

We are having a little bit of a problem with going to bed...and when I say we, I mean Sophia. I have no problem going to bed. We're gonna have to talk to the teachers about cutting down nap time at school. We have entered a viscious circle: Sophia goes to bed at 9:30 but doesnt actually sleep until 11ish and then she cant get up in the morning and it's hell on us. She wont get dressed, she wont eat and just crabs. Hopefully cutting down on naptime will help.

For now the rule is, she her bed time is 9:30 - at first if we told her to stay in bed she'd cry and whine. For now, the rule is, you don't have to sleep but you need to stay in your room (she can play with her doll or read books), have quiet time and we'll check on you in 5 minutes. Which works most of the time, but obviously not tonight. I gave her a small stack of books, of which one book had stickers. She and her bed were covered in stickers and the floor was covered with the excess part around the outside of the stickers. Yeah, one more thing to clean up!

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