Sunday, October 12, 2008

Surrealistic Everyday Experience

I think, for the first time we had one of those surreal realistic experiences that you can only have after living here for such a long time. It's really banal, but we had fun just the same. We went to the oratory in front of Sophia's school. There were the jumpy things set up, kids playing soccer on a dirt field, a couple of small booths with homemade wooden games (like toss the bean bag and fishing), a little stand selling salamella sandwiches and fries and a little old lady selling tickets and making change out of a small metal box. As I am standing there, watching sophia laughing and screaming her head off, while chatting with the parents of her classmates, sipping my warm coke out of a can, in the trail of someone's cigarette smoke, i thought to myself - only here in italy...dont think that im complaining - im definitely not. i just meant that it was a very common place experience that you see in the movies, but can only experience living here.

and then it got better...downstairs in a long and hot and humid room was an old man and a sax, an emcee and lots of old ladies sitting on stackable chairs fanning themselves and shooing flies away. there was a 'show' with kids from a local ballroom dance company. sophia watched intently. and when it was over she and her friend fiona got up and did their version of the whole thing while the old ladies watched and laughed and ohhhh'd and ahhhh'd.

The little miss had so much fun afterwards. I should have realized how exhausted she was. She fell asleep in 'time out.'

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