Sunday, October 26, 2008

la pluie

la pluie de pluie disparaissent loin venu encore un certain autre jour
...or at least that's what babelfish says if you translate 'rain rain go away come again some other day'. (Of course if you translate it back to english again it becomes 'the rain of rain disappear far come still certain an other day'.) Anyhoo, it rained today. I mean really rained! So we jumped onto a Car Rouges tour bus (using our 2 ticket) and took a ride over to Lafayette, the fancy schancy mall.
This is no Newpark!
2 crane hams!
But of course it rained some more, so we jumped back on the bus again. Of course since it was raining, everybody was on the bus and there were very few places to sit inside, so we sat on top where it was opened. When it started to rain hard we tried to put up the umbrella of course it turned inside out and we got even wetter. we laughed so hard i almost peed my one would have noticed, we were drenched anyways.
eventually some seats freed up and we sat downstairs for awhile.
and when we had made the rounds again, we jumped off and went to Monmartre.
There is a funicular that goes up and down to Sacre Couer (you can use your metro ticket, just as long as you are within the time limit 75 min?). It is the imigrant section of Paris, so things seem a bit seedy here. I liked it though, it was sort of hippy. I could have done with out the dog pooping in the middle of the street. We headed back to the Bastille area after to eat some dinner.And we saw one of those famous Perian models...

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