Sunday, October 26, 2008

We Louvre Paris!

The girlies and Max went out for something hot to drink and then went to our little boulangerie to get some pastries for everyone.
We had a picnic in the big's the simplest things the kids love to do! Then it was off to see the city...Jumped on the metro and got off at the Louvre. We didnt actually go into the museum, it would have been a bit much for the smaller kids, but we had fun playing downstairs under the museum.
Yeah, Sun!
Went to the Notre Dame. Didn't take too many pix, but I did like this dog crouching amongst the gargoyles. Poor guy, looks like he's had a bad day and just when he think he can't take it anymore he finds this bird-brain all over his back. What the heck is that bird looking on that ledge for anyways?

Ian chases birds in the park behind the Notre Dame.

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