Friday, October 24, 2008

So much to do, So little time

and yet i find myself wasting my life doing lame internet things. thanks to LAB i am totally addicted to, i cant pull myself away from it. it is a blog of a horrible, self induldged, surly gay man who talks smack about any and every celeb and i find it shishi-in-my-pants funny. when i am not FB'ing or Dlisting, i find other ways to not approach reality. oh, the hours of fun one can have with yearbook yourself:
This is Max if he graduated the year I was born.

...if Max went to JLHS and graduated the same year as me,
let's just say I'm pretty sure we wouldnt have dated.
...and just for giggles, this is max as a girl in 1974, sort of like a lori partridge who forgot to shave.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh these are so funny....