Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Real Disneyland of Paris...

The ha! You thought there were pictures of EuroDisney didn't you? Altho I have visited ED yet, I've discovered you can have the same experience at the EyeFull Tower. The lines are always long and just when you think that it's ending, you turn a corner and another one starts. But what I do like about the ET is that there are bathrooms everywhere. There is one behind the SE leg and then one on every level (including the very very top). The kids were great they all stood in line without much complaining and because of that, it actually went pretty quickly (well that and it being off season, so the lines were half as long as what they are during the summer).

What is up with blogger? It wont let me upload all the horizontal pix in the right direction!!!
Well here are some Cranes tipping the ET on it's side.
(Get a load of Lucas, I think he just saw how long the line was!)
(that would be chandler+jambon (ham)).
The Parisis in Paris!
(look how thrilled Sophia is!)
The kids were great, they ALL walked down the stairs!
(tyler stayed back to help keep her mom company, what a great daughter!!)

1 comment:

NELSON said...

bonitas fotos si dios quiere un dio visitare tu pais fiesta de las brujas fue buena tus fotos vale cuidate saludos de un peruanito