Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Merenda In English Please

Okay with a title like that, what would you expect? By the way merenda means snack. i thought it was going to be a fun social for kids with some english intermingled. Let me just say, set your target low and you will never be disappointed. i sort of had the idea that maybe they would be selling english lessons, but since it was snack and english, i also thought there would be some interaction having to do with the snack. sophia could have gone there to interact with the kids and teacher. NOT. It was chaotic, there were lessons with flash cards and boring songs downloaded onto a computer that had bad speakers and low volume.lf i could hardly keep my eyes opened, in fact the teacher looked bored herself. during the lesson, the kids were starving and kept asking for snack and the teacher said after the lesson was over (it started at 5 and didnt end til after 6). and to top it off, on the way home (just hundreds of feet from our house) sophia vomited all overherself. it leaked down the carseat and all over our friend's car! ugh! (and no i didnt take a foto of it, that would be waaaay OTT!) She didnt have a fever or vomit again so i think it was something she ate. i totally owe my friend bea one now!!! am i still riding the bad kharma of the train ride in stuttgard??

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