Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Incy Wincy Spider...

we went down to the storage unit in the basement to try and cram another few objects in there. you have to go down the stairs and the last step lands between the door that leads outside and the door that leads to our storage unit entrance. at the bottom of the stairs, between the 2 doors was a giant and hairy tarantula. okay, it wasnt giant, but it was all puffed up and gross and it was definitely hairy- peppered with wirey beige and brown that made it look even more sinister. i always feel bad about killing spiders, they say they're supposed to bring luck. ( with ants and mosquitos, no problem. spiders actually eat other freaky flying things, so try not to kill them. they seem like fairly intellegent creatures. and being that i did see Arachnophobia-i'm not messing with those things...or so i thought....). of course i dont want to touch the thing, so i tell max to kind of use his foot and shove it towards outside. so he kind of shuffles it towards out with his instep. of course, it scampers back towards the basement door. so, he kind of gently kicks it again, a little more aggressively this time so as not to let it go under the basement door and... SPLOOT. WTF? what was that? little black OMG! oh Hells NO! little black, fully formed spiders spill out from the tarantula. i kid you not,the darn thing was pregnant! and so of course even more desperately max starts kicking the thing towards outside and of course the more he kicks, the more little fully formed spiders start scampering out. by the time max gets the damn thing to the door, at least 50 little 1mm fully formed, already moving, spiders have been kicked out of this hairy tarantula. it was something out of a nasty horror film. as max is kickin the momma outside, i had to start stomping on the babies, because i didnt want them going into our storage unit and making freaky nests in there!( i gotta go down there every day and get my bike to take soph to school). there are sooooo many that i cant getthem all. great! i could feel the eyes of the surviving brothers and sisters. watching me in horror as i exterminate their siblings, one after another. the momma, exhausted and traumatized after such a horrific delivery. i am sure the surving spiders are gonna take revenge. the momma spider is probably organizing right now with her little ones on how they will take revenge on us! i am totally freaked out to go into the storage unit. i was already afraid it was haunted and now this???? if autopsy comes back and says we aint dead from the toxic yellow stuff on the walls, look for spider bites! ewwwwww! nasty!

ps the sophia drew that picture even though she wasnt there and i never said anything to her....could she have some sort of esp???? it looks like some weird freaky spider-eye!


Anonymous said...

That was the best story I ever read =).

Uncle Matt

Louise said...

yes, i heard you had a similar experience...but with a fly. i didnt even know that flies pooped out live larvae, i had to google it. ewwwwww!