Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Day of New School

Well, our little girl 'graduated' from Asilo Nido and has now moved onto Scuola Materna! It's at a different place than last year, the old school has a Scuola Materna, but the teachers were so old and sad. They looked like they started teaching during the facist movement and havent changed their teaching styles since. So now Sophia goes to a school a little farther away, but much nicer. It came highly recommended. She was a bit sad when she realized that all her friends were staying at the other school, but she had a good time anyways.

The teachers made a little train and gave the kids tickets to symbolize the start of their new trip/adventure.
Miss Gabriella.
Sophia bee-lined to the kitchen, her favorite place to play!
Valentina and Georgia are the only two other kids that started school today too,
the rest start next week.

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