Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Chart

It's been such a pain in the butt getting Sophia to do things lately. we've made a chart of all the stuff she has to do through out the day (the stuff she fights us for: getting dressed, cleaning up, etc) and then we tape a prize up on the door. my mom says that it teaches kids immediate gratification, but i dont care - i just need the mornings to not be a battle all the time! unfortunately, unlike on super nanny, the whole chart thing doesnt work every time. sometimes she just doesnt care, but things are much better than before. maybe she just needs to get used to the whole thing. this is such a silly pic. it looks like sophia is getting a medal of honor, its just hungry hungry hippos. (this first chart she got a sort of big prize, but the other prizes are little things (that she needs) like a tooth brush - im such a cheapo! we'll see if that smile stays that big when she sees the next thing she wins!) ps in case you are wondering, there are blank spaces on the chart, because those were the days that she went to the nonnis.

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