Monday, September 22, 2008

Evening News for Bimbos

Italian lesson number 922:
bimbo means:
a) dirty cleave wearing floozy
b) hoochy male
c) kid

If you guessed c). that would be correct. It actually means boy or kid. Girl is actually bimba. It's funny to be at the park and hear kids call each other bimbo. but I digress....
I know the picture is crappy, and I was going to erase it when I noticed the TV. If the picture was bigger you could see the time is 6:33pm and it is the evening news. It's the gossip part, but still, it's pretty hoochy for the evening. This is why I only let Sophia watch videos! Italians make fun of Americans for being prudes/censorship for regular tv. I, on the other hand, always think that it's weird for such a religious country to be so contradictory about what they have on TV/'role models' and how they would like people to act in real life. must my daughter be exposed to nasty fake hoochy mamas on regular tv? okay, off my soapbox now. thanks.

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