Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finger Lickin' good

BBQ! MMMMMMMM! What didnt the Andersons do for us??? We were treated like royals! After the zoo, Michelle bathed Sophia and Kevin Q'd. To his credit, Max had to work. I on the other hand, did diddly, wait not true, I helped drink beer! On the menu: kids menu: burgers. adult menu: salad, ribs, bbq beans and all the beer you could drink. mmmmm mmmm!Kevin fires up the BBQ.
Treated like royalty, but eats like manic.
Caption contest:
Whoever thinks of the best caption for this picture wins a lifetime subscription to our blog. ha ha!
Kevin and Michelle and I ponder why we ate so much...i guess because it was so dang good!

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