Friday, September 19, 2008

Come Il Duomo

OMG Did I mention our house is under construction? Just before we left to Germany we saw a notice that there would be some construction on the building. Then the friday Sept 12 we left there was a notice 'Please take down venetian blinds and screens and free balconey of all personal items, by Sept 12.' Yeah we jumped right on that...
By the time we got home, our house looked like this:

oh you thought that was the Duomo in Milan, didnt you???
(ironically, the Duomo is actually uncovered, i guess all those guys came here)
Okay now this is the disgusting part, that yellow stuff STINKS! it's very chemical and is used to melt the stucco off the walls (instead of chipping it). I bet its much faster and less noisy than chipping it away, but umm...TOXIC??? Is there no OSHA or anything here?
Okay the really scary thing is that despite the heavy chemical smell, this guy was puffing away on a cig while schmearing that yellow gunk on the wall. (Yes, that means he wasnt wearing a face mask for his own protection, no one was).
Plop Plop Plop. That looks NASTY!
needless to say i have headaches and nausea and our house is constantly dusty and cold because i need to keep the keep the windows opened 24/7 so we dont die, id hate to think what kind of cancer or tumor we may be at risk of now! luckily for us they are changing the asbestos roofing at the same time. If we dont get sick one way, we will get it another. If I'm found dead of mysterious causes, somebody show that picture above please! (Luckily Sophia is out of the house most of the day, we've been doing play dates so she is out at least 10 hours a day).

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