Saturday, May 1, 2010


Since the renter didn't want to give up a set of keys and has been dragging his feet about getting his stuff out of the house, he said we could come buy while he was there and he would help us paint and stuff.  The renter is actually a pretty nice guy, despite being a lazy procrastinating slob. However, the owner, did not show his face all weekend and the renter, max, max's dad and me ended up cleaning out the house and tearing down the furniture.  Basically it boils down to the renter won't give up his keys until he gets a check from the owner, so the last thing Max did before we all went home, was to set up a meeting with all three parties involved, where the owner brought a check, the renter received it and we witnessed it all.  Early this morning we got a message that the time was moved up to 7:45am, so Max ended up going by himself and I got the girls up and ready.  The renter and owner ended up bickering of nickles and dimes and it took an hour to get the whole affair over and done with.  And now...

We haven't signed the sales documents yet, but at least we can start moving our things in and painting the house.  Which is exactly what we are doing today.

Side story: Remember how the owner offered to leave us the kitchen?  Well, Max's dad says that the kitchen is not worth saving, besides being disgustingly dirty, there are things that just don't function.  We were going to break it down and get rid of it and get something cheapy at Ikea.  The only reason we were going to try and use the kitchen is because the owner/renter situation has left us with very little time to take measurements and get something in there.  At the end of the meeting today, the owner had the nerve to tell Max, 'Perhaps you can show me the receipts from the hotel and stuff, that way I can take off the cost of the kitchen that I'm leaving you from what I was supposed to pay you'.  Oh no he di'nt...oh yes he did!  What a culone (translation:  jackass).

Max's dad also said that he thinks the bath tub upstairs is salvageable, but the bathroom downstairs is worse than we thought.  The toilet doesn't work and the shower is friggin scary nasty.  I brought some major toxic products and cleaned out the bath, it's cleaner but not enough to give the girls a bath in.
Downstairs Bathroom (notice the nasty grime in the shower and the fancy sink that starts in the middle of the step up).
Upstairs bathroom. (Notice the fancy tiles.  The ones on the floor, despite not matching anything, belong on the walls, not the floor and are extra slippery.)

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