Sunday, May 23, 2010

2010 Meeting of the Grans

We took out the old blue sink upstairs and put in a new one, but we havent put the mirror up  yet.  Poor Grandma is using the only mirror in the house to fix her hair.  Things have been crazy busy, Max, my dad and I ran to Bennet (Gemco like store) to buy an umbrella because we don't have a table inside the house large enough for everyone (we've been using our 2 seater for breakfast) but it's dang hot outside now. 
Nonna hugs Vivienne.
Buon apetito.

Moody Soffria giving the evil eye.

The Nonni and the Grans with the grandkids 2010.  Would be a nice picture, too bad for my dad's fancy outfit and the slime on the wall!

 Vivienne pines for her long lost love.

Sophia in her ghetto swimming pool.

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