Friday, May 21, 2010

Pane e Mate

Grandma got Sophia a face painting set. Yes, I said face painting, but she got it everywhere EXCEPT her face.

Best view around. 
 It took us forever, but we finally found the ol' farm house where The End Of The Year soiree is taking place.
Mom and Dad chat to Carmen (Luigi's mom), whilst Viv does her usual nap. (ps Carmen is was an English teacher back in Peru.  She's getting a crash refresher course talking to my parents.)

These type of old cascina (farm house) were practically a city unto itself.  There was a church, a little bottega for daily goods, cute trattoria, houses and of course a farm with animals.
 The kids went inside for a type of interactive theater, called Pane and Mate (pane means bread, I don't know what mate means).  Since they 'traveled' small room to small room, parents were asked to volunteer to stay outside.  Max and I both did (however I would have loved to see).  After they were through, I asked if my Mom and I could walk around and see.  That's how I got to take the pictures.
 The theme was water and each actor was dressed as a different characted someone was a pirate, one was a samurai and a Polynesian lady.  This was the entry and there were things to touch and clink and clank in order to make sound.
 This room was had the smell of freshly washed clothes and a lady came out to tell a story of travel and water.
 This room used the kids' sense of sight and sound, the lights were dimmed and the kids heard water and then then I assume they were turned back on and using vibrations on a metal dish, the actor made the water jump and splash.
 This was the hall way and these strips of plastic were to make the kids feel as though they were walking through water.
 Stairwell, I dont remember the story, but I liked the fish.
A door, 'nuff said.

 After the show, the actors came out and helped the kids make puppets out of recycled things.
 Caught in the act. Marco bustin chops as usual :o)
The puppet making was such a simple and inexpensive thing and the kids loved it!

Mom and Dad hide in the shade.

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