Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bottega and the Grans

Cheese glorious cheese! Another awesome thing about our new house is that there is a little bottega kitty corner to us that sells a bazillion cheeses and cold cuts, but best of all they have some of the tastiest sausages-if you get there at the right time you can see the owner/butcher making them and he slices some awesome pork ribs right in before your eyes too!

The guy speaks Milanese (or Brugherese-not really sure of the difference) so I can hardly understand him, but man he cuts some mean slices of meat!
Grandma and Grandpa arrived tonight.  My dad holds Viv for the first time, hmmmm I think we've found his doppelganger!

Sorry mom this pictures makes your arm look bigger than Viv's head, but it's the only first pic I got.
 This is the sleep situation by the way...the kids are all good and sleeping in their own room, but living out of suit cases.  Were sleeping on the couch downstairs, but have now hastily painted our room, just in the nick of time and now my parents get the couch until we can paint the upstairs guest room/studio.

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