Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Old Tape and Dealing with the Upstairs Bathroom

We found the world's oldest tape stuck to the door frame, don't know which family left it there and how many never bothered to take it off.
We don't have the time or the money to do everything right away.  We've decided to fix the downstairs first, because that's the part that everyone uses and do the best we can to make upstairs clean enough to live in and use. As for the bathroom: Max's dad took down the old sink and we went to Ikea to get a new one, the toilet will have to be cleaned as best as possible and now I am attempting the tub project:
Got my supplies all set to reseal/polish/shellack/or whatever the heck you call it, to the tub.  The directions are all in italian (or french or german or czech), so I hope I read everything correctly.

The tub was like this.

I have scrubbed and sanded it and things already look better.

Wow!  I followed the directions the best I could, but it was hard to do after inhaling all the fumes.  I think I lost some brain cells.  It looks almost new! (side note:  I thought I said 7 hours not 7 days and I touched the surface last night-it looked dry to me and I left my fingerprints and Sophia saw me, so she did the same thing. Damn. Damn Damn!  side side note: after coming back from the summer it does not look that great anymore, for some reason the enamel yellowed, i mess up trying to take the tape off from around the drain, the finger print part never dried well and looks all grey -ah well at least it's hygenic now).

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