Monday, May 3, 2010

Half way there

We haven't signed the papers yet, but since we need to be out of our old house as of ...well,  over a month ago, we're moving our boxes in and shoving them in the dirty garage and cleaning the new place to make it semi-livable, esp since my parents arrive in less than 2 weeks.
Last of the boxes at the old place.
 This is all the stuff that they were supposed to have taken away on the terrace. (side note, the owner just offered to leave us the table (in stead of his lazy ass hauling it away) because it's practically new...awwww how sweet...NOT!)
Viv's little hazmat protective gear.
 Max paints the girls' room.  I found boogers on the wall...gross!
 Upstairs toilet-lucky for you, the picture doesn't show how nasty it all really is.
The downstairs shower door was always closed, I didn't realize how bad it was in there.  I wasn't planning on cleaning it, because we are having it redone asap.  Unfortunately not asap enough, my parents are coming and we need to shower somewhere.
 We'll be knocking down that kitchen wall, so it's loveliness will grace us until that work can be done.
 And unfortunately I will have to clean the kitchen stove too, but we wont be using it. It's just very unhygienic and I can't leave this mess until the construction works come.

For now, we will be eating and showering at the old house and then sleep at the new house until most of the work is done.

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