Saturday, May 1, 2010


This morning we started calling the renter to see if we could get the keys to the house to start painting the two bedrooms/cleaning up, so when Weds comes when(if) we sign the sales agreement, we can just move our stuff and sleep there-without breathing nasty fumes and dust.  So now the story is, the renter doesn't want to hand over a set because it's his last card to bargain with.  His reason behind his asking for the money is because-the owner never came and fixed the things that needed to be fixed and either he had to do it or just live without (like the leaky water heater, the leaky bathroom pipes (so now we know why the owner argued with the neighbors downstairs that 'share' our garden) amongst other things.  That is the apparent story. And though I can now empathize with the renter a bit, it really boils down to I don't give a flying you know what anymore and just want this whole deal settled. 
To add fuel to the fire, apparently the owner didn't take out ANYTHING last week after we went over there.  There is still wardrobes, the nasty sink, the piano, broken down swing, broken tables and today he was out (as my mom would say:) galavanting .  (When Max spoke to him on the phone, he said he was out and about.  Since today is Labor Day here, we know he is not working). 

Here are some other little facts we discovered:
-The renter is not handing over the keys because he asked for a 'cashiers check'  (or cash)  instead of the already offered personal check, because he doesn't trust the owner. The owner still hasn't brought that over.
-The owner has whined to the renter about his debts, including 20 thousand that he has had to give to us regarding the changing of the rogito (was not even close to that much).
-The owner asked us to lie about how much we bought the house for because he could be in trouble for not having accepted the offer that the renter put out.

This situation is getting totally out of hand and ridculous and the owner is being the culo in ridiCULOus.


UncleKingmun said...

After reading your FB posts about the house, I was prompted to not only read your blog but even look back at older posting to the blog. Your blog is well written and entertaining - sorry you have to live through it. What a nightmare! The owner has been less than honest. The renter is yanking the owner's chain. All this is making a headache for you. I hope it gets resolved soon.

Holly said...