Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Crappy Birthday to Me

Here's me airing our dirty laundry:  I wanted to throw an awesome 40th bday bash in our new house, back when I thought we would have been living in it for a few months, but since we are still living out of boxes obviously we have to forgo that :o( Since, I've been wanting to go to Trattoria dei Cacciatori (literally next door to the new house) for dinner for a while, I thought that would we fun to do instead.   They have a fantastic spread.   For 30 euro per person and reservations in advance, the table is set with a loads of aperitivi and various breads when you get there.  There were cold cuts of various prociutti, salami, plus cheeses olives, pickled onions and peppers and stuff.  They came around with plates of fried zucchini flowers and different bruschettas.  And then came the first courses...Plates of ravioli and strawberry risotto (a fairly common milanese food-not my favorite.  But don't let my opinion influence you, come try for yourself.) came around.   I was holding back and saving myself for the second course, because with a name like the Trattoria of the Hunters, you know that the meats must rock!  I never made it that far.  Sophia was tired and in a terrible mood and throwing one tantrum after another, Vivienne was fussy and Max was tired since he worked the morning shift so we could go out tonight.  When Max decided he'd had enough, he just picked up the girls and went to pay and I was still starving. 

Since I have had to forgo a big birthday celebration and my consolatory rockin dinner at least let me have my own damn pity party...Cheers and crappy birthday to me!!!

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