Sunday, December 30, 2007


Nonna Gweta being 'useful' and Holiber cookin the chicken, and Max's booty.

Hey! Buona ApeTHAIto!

Diggin In.

Greta and a round of Wii golf

Whew just got back from picking up Sophia from the Nonni's then Gweta and Holber came over for dinner...only they did most of the cooking. We were supposed to do thai for new years eve, but since we are going to mauro and khatia's we did it tonight. I have no idea exactly what they made, it was chicken with a curry coconut milk sauce, but it was damn good! i pitched in with the steamed rice and some pad thai and max as usual did his part by eating. after that was a little wii. We did the agility test afterwards...max and i both did horribly, he got 78 and i got 80 years old, yikes!

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