Saturday, December 1, 2007

KYO my friend

is the name of the store where khatia's friend fulya designs. fulya invited khatia to the opening of the first store in alessandria and khatia in turn invited me. it takes about 1.5 hours to go by train (i thought about driving, but i was a little scared since it would be my first time -and alessandria is not that close) but then i just thought 1.5 hours is not so far, its just easier if we go by train, that way we know that we would get there before the store closed! the store was quite near the train station. kyo my friend had really lovely things, fulya is quite a good designer - its a store full of under garments and 'sweats' etc (but not like lingerie type things). its all casual or sporty type stuff, the prices are actually quite low, but the things are really nice.

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