Monday, December 3, 2007

Sick Day

We just dropped little the little miss off at the asilo and went to go do a little grocery shopping, we didnt even get past the milk aisle (first aisle of the store) when we got a phone call, up chuck and fever. plus sophia was all hysterical because she has a bit of ocd, which is to say, she is a bit obsessive about getting dirty. so since a little vomit got on her sweater (which got taken off anyways), she was in tears. which is funny because apparently she didnt notice the big brown stain that i cant seem to get out. luckily max had not gone to work yet so we went by car to go get her since its a bit chilly today. of course as soon as we got there she was all smiles and skippy. i really couldnt tell she was sick until i leaned in for a kiss and got a big whiff of vomit. but we got home and she ate like normal (jook, cuz you know my girl is growin up asian -well also because we still havent finished all the turkey noodle soup from thanksgiving - and i cant stand the sight of that anymore). oh well up until now, she really hasnt stayed home sick once!

1 comment:

Holly said...

oh poor you!!!! I hate vomit - i always make mike do it - so i have a story for you - but it's late and i'll email it tomorrow - sorry for the teaser - let's just say it ended with me sitting with ian in the ER for 2 hours..... mike has begged me not to put it on the blog.... xoxoxo miss you and hope little miss feels better!