Thursday, December 27, 2007

2 days after xmas, 1 day after st stefano, and a sore finger...

view from ale's balcony
max the morning after
view on the road home
more view on the road home
had a hard time getting up today, of course. max had to work at 12:45 so we need to haul ass to get back to CM. he smashed his finger trying to put the hide-a-bed away, and couldnt scream in pain cuz ale was still sleeping and there are no doors in her house. but she got up just as he freed his finger and so he swore under his breath and she made us coffee. and gave me this malted sweetener which is really yummy. we packed our crap up and headed home. of course there was an accident or traffic jam as soon as we hit Milan so it took us an extra 45 minutes to get home. max had a quick shower, crammed some food in his mouth and he was off to work.

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