Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Santo Stefano/Boxing Day


monia, maruska, sabrina

max wii bowling

riccardo wii bowling

ale exiting the bathroom with no doors
capo menzio the card shark
texas hold'em trafarello style

I don't know what the heck the big deal is about today, but it's a holiday and that's all i care about. Today we left to head for home but decided to stop over at Ale's new house on our first day of liberty. Ale lives near Torino which is on the road home to Milan. E=mc2, we tested the theory of relativity - what looks like the smallest town in the world apparently grows larger when you are there trying to look for Ale's house! She lives in a town called Trofarello, barely recognized by TomTom, and on a street that is not recognized by TomTom at all! Needless to say we got lost and ended up on some one laned, tractor made, rabbit crossing in front of car, wild dogs howling, nowhere to turn around, fog rolling in, backward ass road. And even using the word road is a glorification of what we were driving on. In a town that takes 5 minutes to walk across, we were lost for 45 minutes. We eventually found the right area, but of course rang the door bell of the wrong house, where there are 5 small dogs keeping guard. Max finally figured it out and we found the right house! Whew! Ale and her cousins and friend were waiting and we got some pizzas. Ale just moved in, so there are no doors or curtains, when when maurizio got there of course snuck up to the balcony window like a burglar...but unlike a burglar, he came baring wine, not stealing it! And lastly came ricardo and another maurizio and it was time for bubbly, panetone, and wii. the others got tired and went home and then capo menzio and gang taught me texas hold'em. It was a late night so Ale was sweet enough to let us stay over. It was fun to be young and childless again!

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