Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fiera Artigenato

Gre and I went to the artisan fair in Milan today. It was Nonna Greta's hair washing day, so we got a late start. We had to take the Metro because parking in the Fiera zone is horrendous, and Max suggested that we park at the Crescensago stop because altho its slightly farther than the Cascina Gobba stop at least it has a free parking. And by the way if you are thinking, why the heck didnt we just walk to the stop here in town, its because the Metro splits at Gobba, so you have 50% chance of not being able to catch you train right away, and therefore waiting an hour underground, especially at night when few trains pass. And of course tho its only about 1 mile farther, we almost got lost because Greta still hasnt learned her left from her right. I say go left and she starts going right - and we almost miss the light. But she made it in time, Goooo Greta! And then of course its night and dark and so we cant find the parking to the Crescensago station, but luckily we find awesome parking at the next station down. Since the fiera is soooo confusing, we hardly see anything (and again Greta still confuses her left and her right, even tho i tease her profusely!), altho we did find her friend that is here working in a stand from Hungary, then found Matriosks for a present for her mom, then found looooooads of beads, then something to eat and alcohol for me! yeahh, its one of the only places that i know that i can find .chile chocolate liquere, chocolate and alcohol, what more can one ask for?? While Greta was eating a Piadine (see pic) which was really really good, we saw these cheeses shaped like little pigs, i dont know why i thought they were really cute. I almost bought one, but then when i saw that the pigs were kind of sweaty, it freaked me out about eating non refrigerated cheese so i didnt get any, i just took a picture instead.

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