Friday, December 7, 2007

Sant'Ambrose Dinner/Happy Bday ML

For his birthday, O, G, I and C gave Max a raclette set (think fondue, but melting cheese underneath to be eaten with potatoes and chilled sliced prociutto, salami, speck ecc and grilling meats and veggies on top of a stone- that you can eat with diff sauces). Which is exactly what Max is explaining in the picture on the right. We finally got to break
in the raclette set today! We also missed ML's birthday last week, so it was also an excuse to celebrate that with her. It was really fun. I cant believe how much we ate, we had at least a 1/2kg of cold cuts, 2 kg of potatoes, 1 kg of cheese, 1/2 kg of zucch, and 1 1/2 kg of meats. We ate all the cheese, and there was very little of the rest left over. That's 5 1/2 kilos of food! Plus bread, and 4 bottles of wine, and 1 champagne and Pino made a chocolate cake (of which remained just 1 slice!). Whew!

G, O and M grilling it up! N and P making the 'antipasto face'

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