Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy Due Mille (cag)Otto

...as Oliver and Greta rightly put it.

We skipped out on the NYE party due to the fact that my stomach started hating it in the middle of the night after the Thai dinner...I got a stomach virus AGAIN! What count am i at, three for Dec? good grief! it wasnt food poisoning if thats what you are thinking, since im in only one that got sick. also i had a nasty fever and the chills so that confirms it. AND now im all freaked out because you know that old tradition, house clean on NYD house clean means all year round/what ever happens on new years eve is basis of what will happen in the up coming year and all that jazz...well lessee now... house a disaster, spent the night on toilet, ugh what a year to look forward to! well on the bright side at least this is the first time ive followed my new years resolution to lose weight! not exactly what i had in mind, but i'll take it anyways!

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