Saturday, January 19, 2008

raclette trois...

it was actually criss, ilaria, gre e ol who gave max the raclette/pirrade set for his birthday, so finally we had the group over to use it. it was a dinner that had been rescheduled so many times this year due to various versions of the stomach flu for various people on various days. finally we are all healthy! the set is always great fun because there is not much preparation, no returning back and fourth to the kitchen for various courses, and food cooks slowly so you can take your time and eat, drink and chit chat. i usually dont over eat because its a slow causal thing, but due to the numerous times we rescheduled i had a big hankering for the grilled meats and bagnetto verde and i totally over did it this time. whats bagnetto verde you ask? well its a green sauce that is made of OO, parsley, boiled egg, anchovies, bread crumbs and garlic cut into tiny tiny pieces by hand (no food processing), it takes forever to make - but its friggin good! the first time i heard of it, it didnt sound so great - but it is. it's typical a piemontese sauce for boiled meats, but its awesome on just about anything. we did a pretty good job and didnt have loads left! thank o/g for taking home the leftover cake!

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