Thursday, January 17, 2008

here comes the sun...

finally it stopped raining!! we took sophia to school by bike today, then it was off to see about preschool inscriptions. the state preschools here go for birth to 2 and then after that 3-5 and then at 6 kids start kindergarten. that means sophia switches school after this summer. we are in search of a new school. i think i mentioned before that the one she is in gets divided, and she has the possibility to go there, but it is old and so are the teachers and it seems just like a kid parking for working parents. it is really close, just a 5 minute walk, but thats the only advantage. we went to another school in the center last week and then another today. we didnt actually go in, but we did see the school on the internet and apparently its one of the most requested schools. max really likes the program, so hopefully we will be able to sign her up tomorrow. its a 10 minute bike ride, so its gonna suck in the middle of winter and the heat of summer, but hopefully it will be worth it!
we also went to an agency to look at some new houses that are being built down the street. the real estate guy was busy so we made an appointment for tomorrow. fingers crossed.

almost finished with the poncho. its giving me carpal tunnel (or however you spell it). my wrists and forearms and shoulder ache, so im giving it a bit of a rest. will take a picture when i finish. hopefully there will be enough yarn.

saw this site called they have some awesome bling on there. i cant figure out how they do the weaving techniques. ive been looking on the net for tutorials, books anything but i havent found anything so far. for now im just twisting and bending on my own, trying to figure it all out. its not like knitting, where you can look anything up and figure it out on the internet. metal working and wire wrapping just doesnt have as much info available yet...but here's what i did today:
i cant figure out where to go from here...

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