Monday, January 7, 2008

End of the Christmas Break

...and back to school for Pia. We also went to visit her Scuola Materna (which is like the next level of school from ages 3-5) that's part of her school. OMG it is such a sad little area and the teachers are a bit old - not just in age but in action. They arent lively and young at heart, they are all grandma-ish. It's the neighborhood school and the school thats closest so her friends will be there. But i think we are gonna check out at least one more school to see what it's like. It's so hard to send Pia to Boccaccio (our school) after seeing what a nice school Gingerbread was (where chan, ian and lucas went/go). I know i shouldnt compare. It makes me want to go back to the States for Pia's sake!! Maybe it wont be so bad, i mean it's just preschool, so maybe it wont be so bad, but you know i really want her to get off to a good start.
It's still dark early and cold and damp and foggy so Max went to go get Pia and they fingerpainted with a new set of paints that ML and F gave to her for xmas.

1 comment:

Holly said...

you are so good - i can't stand touching playdough.....we don't play with it alot in our house...not one of my favorite things...lucas says hi, 'mom, wat u doig?'

you always second guess yourself when looking for things for your kids. she'll be okay with either way you go...although it would be much more fun if she went to Shining Light with Lucas!!!