Sunday, January 27, 2008

ick a big ol spider

woke up this morning and sophia came into our room to ask for tv (as usual) and then says 'oh incy wincy spider'. of course we think she wants to sing the song. but she says 'noooo.... incy... wincy... spider!' and points up at where the ceiling and wall meet. oh, incy wincy my @$$! there was a big ol friggin spider crawlin on the wall. good thing max was home or i would have had to close the door with a wet towel to seal the opening and i wouldnt have entered all day! the thing was straight out of arachnophobia, and wayyyy to high for me to reach. max got it down and stuck it in a glass for sophia to see and study. she was sooooo bummed out when we threw it out the window. i, however, was not!

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