Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Digital Camera's Will Be Our Downfall

Martina gave Sophia a Play-dough set (here its called dido - pronounced like dee-doe not like the singer, which rhymes with fido) for Christmas. We broke out with that today too! Sophia watched so much TV between me trying to keep up on the jewelry making and either she or I being sick all Dec, I am more than happy that she does ANYTHING aside sit in front of the boob-tube! (altho i must say that her spanish has improved loads- she says empujen, abajo, arriba, lo hicimos and can count to 10!) Anyways we all had a lot of fun with it, perhaps max and i had more fun than our daughter!
Escaped Pyscho Killer

Actually this one isnt much different from real life.

Nor is this one if forget to wax!

Why pay all that money for bee-stung lips, just break out with the play dough!

yeah, again not much diff from reality...

And you know we would not be documenting this kind of stuff if we didnt have a digital camera. I used to be so chinsey with the film sometimes i'd have a roll in my camera for years, now look at us!

1 comment:

Katie said...

This whole play-dough thing is a little too reminiscent of our houseboating trip in Shasta....