Sunday, January 20, 2008

pietro house

from the time she woke up this morning sophia has been shouting ' pietro house, pietro house.' she even sang a song in the car about 'pietro house.' the kids are getting so good playing with each other, especially since pietro is soooo good about sharing is toys with sophia! and of course we ate loads and loads again. fra and paolo made brasato, which is like a pot roast cooked in veggies and wine and eaten with polenta. OMG it was sooo good. and there was also an artichoke torta and some fresh olives (soaked in parlsey, garlic and peperoncino), gorgonzola, then fresh fruit and pastry cream, i made a chocolate cake and there was an apple cake too. i must weigh a ton now! i cant go back to their house until after the class reunion or else i will be as big as a house! max and i are like 2 old people, we just cheered a glass of alkaseltzer...plop plop fizz fizzzzzzz!

1 comment:

Holly said...

why are you always talking about yummy food or eating??!!!! Even your pictures!!!!

Just kidding! The pot chicken sounds amazing! Miss ya - we went to Hana Japan (like Nijo) tonight for Ty's bday - I already washed my coat and took a shower - you know how I HATE to smell like Japanese fried food!!! xoxo