Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the Sidell's

Daisy St in the UC, there were lots of families with kids, but we mostly played with the Matsumuras and the Sarmientos. We're still family friends with both families, only now we kids have grown up and have kids of our own. We don't get to see each other too often, usually just at weddings and such. In fact at Mich's wedding Ava and Sophia had so much fun together, Dolly Sarmiento (now Sidell) invited us over for a playdate. After swim lessons we went to get Auntie Nelly and my Mom and headed over to San Ramon. Everyone had a great time!! Dolly had lunch ready and waiting, so the adults were happy. The girls played dolls and had tea parties were over joyed. Poor Evan, the oldest and only boy stayed upstairs until 2 friends came over Macy and Payton and then everyone had a little friend to play with.
the Sidell's are house sitting for a friend, who has an estate home. OMG the house was gorgeous!! we just went to use the pool, trampoline, sandbox, slide and any other toy they had back there! the little ones were so tired from running and screaming and having fun, that they cried when it was time to go.

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